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New Annual Catalogue Lunch

Good morning everyone

I am so excited as today see the launch of the New Annual Catalogue from Stampin' Up!

I have a couple of them available to send out or you can order them by visiting my shop.
Contact me if you would a copy of the ones I have here.


By clicking on the link above you are also able to shop with me or join my
Team of Christine's Happy Stampers.

In return for you joining me I will send you a small welcome pack of goodies.

The cost for joining is £99 and you get to choose £130 worth of product from the above Catalogue.

You don't have to be an 'active' Demo, it is your choice. You can become a 'hobby' Demo and shop just for yourself. Either way you will earn 20% off all orders you place after the initial period of 7 days.

Postage for each order is £4.95.

You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain, you will have instant access to a lot of Facebook Groups with people who share their love of all things Stampin' Up!

I have the best Upline in Sam Hammond Donald who supports everyone in her team and gives a 'Live' Team Talk every Tuesday via Facebook.

I am so excited and hope you can tell via this post. It is the best thing I have done in becoming a Demonstrator with them, my only wish is that I had found them earlier in my crafting life.
Their Products really are the 'Best' so don't just take my word for it, join up and see for yourself.

I look forward to having you as part of my team

Christine xx


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